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Richard Kalinoski Past News & Updates (10/14 - 02/15)

Warren Gerds of We Are Green Bay ("Critic At Large") Reviews "The Boy Inside"

Feb 26, 2015

Richard is excited to announce that his latest production of The Boy Inside at UW Oshkosh has received notable praise from Warren Gerds, a critic from The following is the full review written from this previous weekend:

"Why a lot of football coaches coach is distilled into a grand monologue in “The Boy Inside,” a play that is getting its theatrical premiere at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

What’s said is Vince Lombardi-esque, only better. The Green Bay Packers coach, whose motivating quotes are like so many ripples spreading across the leadership ocean, didn’t have a wordsmith writing his thoughts for him like Coach Tony Bartolo has for him in the play.

Coach Bartolo is up against a wall. He has little left to do but state his case, express his thoughts and feelings in concise and intelligent ways. Explosive emotions skim beneath the surface of his speech. So much of what he is and represents as a person flies and flows from his tongue. The speech wows.

In ways, the monologue is perfect. The play builds to it. Playwright Richard Kalinoski of the UW-Oshkosh faculty shapes his multi-layered drama toward this moment. As the coach, Noah Totzke has developed his character of a strong man tested, again, and able to unleash his soul. The scene is sensational – as good as it gets in powerhouse performance. Richard Kalinoski also directs this production, and Noah Totzke is a 2004 UW-Oshkosh graduate who has come back, experienced and matured, to deliver the goods on the home turf, so to speak, of Fredric March Theatre. Performances continue through Sunday, Feb. 22;


Creative: Playwright and director – Richard Kalinoski; set design – Roy Hoglund, costume design – Christina Hoff; lighting design and technical director – Mick Alderson; sound design – Chris Trevino; stage manager – Rebecca Bowman.

Cast: Tony Bartolo – Noah Totzke; Jackie Bartolo – Amy Baumgardner; Helene Kingston-Barrows – Giovanna Martin; Wallace – Cameron Hitchcock; Chris Costello – Josh Decker; Whippy – Matthew Nielsen; Brant Becker – Matthew Scales; Lexi Becker – Andrea Ewald; Sylvia Larkin – Maddie Braun; Radio Announcers – Craig Smith, Nick Brandl.


“The Boy Inside” is immediately compelling. It opens on a bedroom. The coach is up and about. His wife, Jackie (Amy Baumgardner) lies in bed. She wears a head wrap familiar from chemotherapy aftermath. She appears weak and wan. Tony and Jackie speak frankly, with profanities in their vernacular. Jackie wants to hear again a snippet from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “The Magic Flute,” and she tells why she loves “Papagena/Papageno!” This is a sports play, and already it is operating on an elevated level. Jackie and Tony discuss his career of foundation-building and his future without her. Tony’s care and love for his wife are threads woven into the couple’s strong bond. This is a sports play, and already the coach is more than grunts and sweat of practice and games – which come later, along with more profanity (just so you know).

Action flashes to five years later, and – without giving away too much – the football team of little Ramsey College, Division III, is having its best season ever. Better yet for the college, it is graced by a jaw-dropping bequest. The TON OF MONEY comes with a stipulation, and that serves as the impetus for Richard Kalinoski to explore a wide range of thoughts on football and injuries and the role of rough/rugged/dangerous sport in cultures.

In that last bit, Kalinoski delves into something exotic – buzkashi, played in Afghanistan on horse with a dead goat at the center of hell-bent-for-leather fury. Introducing buzkashi to Coach Bartolo and the audience is the college’s president, Helene Kingston-Barrows (Giovanna Martin). Her knowledge of buzkashi adds to her interesting personage. Kingston-Barrows is a fan of the team and appreciates what Coach Bartolo has done/does. She is a sympathetic character (not easily wrought of authority figures), and she makes a decision that will affect the college to the core.

After the opening scene, “The Boy Inside” takes place in Kingston-Barrows’ office on one side of the stage, Coach Bartolo’s office on the other side of the stage and, in the middle, a football practice field, stadiums and the audience’s imagination. Scenic glimpses: The floor of the president’s well-appointed office is painted in the manner of hardwood; the floor of the coach’s office is painted in a checkerboard pattern; and the center backdrop is a mural a football stadium filled with spectators – all nice touches.

This being a collegiate production, the cast is dominated by current student actors. In addition to Totzke, two other recent grads are in the cast. Altogether, Kalinoski, as the director, has fine team of actors in this production. Among those not already mentioned are Matthew Nielsen as the gung-ho assistant coach, Cameron Hitchcock as the president’s detail-minded aide, Maddie Braun as the spunky/aged benefactor, Josh Decker as a player with problems, Matthew Scales as an ex-player with a lingering injury and Andrea Ewald as his caring wife.

Structurally, Kalinoski, as the playwright, works with assorted bricks to make his play solid. Mozart’s “Magic Flute” makes a number of cameos. A quote of Jean-Paul Sartre factors in. Matters of time pop up, figuratively and literally. The keystone is Coach Bartolo, who Kalinoski makes worthy.

Creating a worthy character – playwriting can be fun. Kalinoski has made a mark before and has more than a dozen full-length plays to his credit. His “Beast on the Moon” played/plays internationally. “The Boy Inside” has plenty of pith, too.

Thursday night’s performance was a distinctive playgoing experience. There were a whole lot muscles in the crowd as UW-Oshkosh student-athletes seemed to dominate the audience. All got to hear Mozart and the words of a dynamic coach/man."

Praise for "The Boy Inside" from Jill Endries

Feb 21, 2015

Richard has recently received a note from UW Oshkosh's own Jill Endries, giving accolades to the accuracy, message, and artistic understanding of the intermingling of art and sports. Here are a few of her thoughts:

"The Boy Inside was incredibly provoking and gave such keen insight into the motivation and drive behind coaching. The humor and the likeness to Cerroni and Steny were spot on."

"I saw [Richard] capture so much of our recent history--the first plane rides, getting their wings, the laundry room incident, the Stefaniak injury, etc."

"...[Richard] delivered a strong message about the risks and current concerns especially with the scene with Larkin's son-in-law and the past concussions."

"This was quite an incredible and odd marriage between academics/theater and athletics. What a great experience for the coaches and those young men."

Richard Kalinoski Receives Humanities Award from Project Save

Feb 21, 2015

In conjunction with the opening of Beast on the Moon at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island on the 12th of February, Richard Kalinoski was awarded the inaugural HUMANITIES AWARD from Project Save of Watertown, Mass.. Project Save is a non-profit devoted to preserving Armenian culture and history through the collecting and preserving photographs of Armenian life both in the U.S. and abroad. Executive Director Ruth Thomasian presented the award in front of a packed house at the Casino Theatre of Salve Regina. Artistic Director Reggie Phoenix presided. The HUMANITIES AWARD recognizes contributions to humanity through expressions of arts and culture.

Several of Richard's plays have examined survivor stories of courageous Armenians after horrific events in their lives. His play, Beast on the Moon, has earned a place at theatre companies in the U.S. and across Western and Eastern Europe.

Positive News on "Beast on the Moon" in Finland!

Feb 12, 2015

Richard is excited to report that Beast on the Moon in Espoo, Finland has received much praise and positive criticism in their latest round of performances at the Espoo City Theatre. Theatre critic Lauri Meri wrote that Beast is a true miracle, condensing in such a small, tender and intimate play so many big things; tackling a very harsh topic without any cruelty on stage. He says that it touches everybody who have ever lost anything or anybody, as well as those who haven't. According to him, one does not need translation to understand the show, and advises everybody to go and see it in Tallinn. He is also very positive about the roles of Seta and Aram.

Richard is currently in discussions to see the possibility of having Beast in a filmed format, and will be updating once more information has been made available.

"The Boy Inside" @ University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - Feb. 18-22, 2015

Feb 6, 2015

Now in its third week of rehearsal, The Boy Inside will feature 3 alumni of UW Oshkosh. The production has enlisted the help of the internationally-renowned Hong Kong-based photographer, Theodore Kaye, who specializes in images from Afghanistan and other central Asian countries. The play uses photos from the game of Buzkashi, a violent game played by hyper-skilled horsemen across the Steppes of Central Asia. One of the props for the play, a Russian tank helmet, is being imported from the Ukraine. The Boy Inside will perform February 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st at 7:30 PM and 2 PM on Sunday the 22nd, at the Fredric March Theatre on the campus of UWO.

Project SAVE to Present Humanities Award to Richard Kalinoski

Jan 26, 2015

Project SAVE of Watertown, Mass. will present its inaugural Humanities Award to Richard Kalinoski in ceremonies at the opening of Mr. Kalinoski's play, Beast on the Moon, at Salve Regina University on February 12, 2015. Beast on the Moon uses a key photograph from Project SAVE's archives to explore the emotional complexities for survivors of the Armenian Genocide wrought by Ottoman Turks under cover of World War II.

Beast on the Moon has won major national awards in several countries, including France, Argentina and the U.S. The play has been translated into over 17 languages. Beast on the Moon has universal appeal due to Richard’s skill in writing heart-felt dialogue that speaks to human emotions and truths with honesty and a subtle humor that grabs hold of audiences across the globe.

Ruth Thomasian, Executive Director of Project SAVE, will present the award to Richard in cooperation with the theatre department of Salve Regina University and Reggie Phoenix, director of the theatre program and director of Beast on the Moon.

"My Genius of Humanity" @ Fresno, CA - Postponed

Jan 15, 2015

It is with heavy heart to announce that the planned production of Richard Kalinoski's play,My Genius of Humanity, commissioned by the theatre department of Fresno State University has been postponed indefinitely due to performer constraints. The slated lead actress and veteran Broadway performer, Jacqueline Antaramian, is no longer available for the run in May of 2015.

Ms. Antaramian will undertake a principle role in the upcoming big splash of a musical, Dr. Zhivago, previewing in March of 2015. Ms. Antaramian was offered a role in the new production soon after a very successful reading of My Genius of Humanity at Fresno State, just before Thanksgiving.

Richard remains hopeful that My Genius of Humanity will find other prospective productions in the near future.

"My Genius of Humanity" @ Fresno, CA - First Public Reading

Nov 25, 2014

Mr. Kalinoski traveled to Fresno, California for the first public reading of My Genius of Humanity at Fresno State (Nov. 20-23). Noted California actor and director Brad Myers directs broadway actress Jacqueline Antaramian (Julius Caesar) in My Genius of Humanity, a play about Armenian-Americans who traveled to Stalin era Soviet Armenia in the late 1940s to help re-populate Armenia. The shocked sojourners were met with a state of wanton poverty and injustice as they arrived into their very new and ancient land from the USA in 1947 and 1949.

My Genius of Humanity will honor the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at Fresno State in May (opens May 1, 2015) and will be a sanctioned event for the large Armenian community in Fresno, CA.

Theater Voices of Albany - "Beast on the Moon" Accolades

Nov 12, 2014

Richard Kalinoski, the cast, and the production team are receiving rave reviews from viewers of the Theater Voices of Albany's production of Beast on the Moon. See what people have said about this remarkable production!

"This was the best production I’ve seen here! Thanks!"

"The quality of acting in Beast on the Moon was phenomenal."

"Beast on the Moon: Powerful, moving and so well done. Thank you for a great show."

"I have enjoyed every play! The talent is remarkable!"

"I love your performances and never did like costumes and tacky stage sets. What you do provokes our imaginations. Thank you."

"The Boy Inside" @ University of Wisconsin Oshkosh: CAST ANNOUNCEMENT

Nov 7, 2014

The Boy Inside, which recently enjoyed a successful professional reading at the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre (October 13), will begin rehearsal in early January, 2015. A special reading of the play will be held on November 30, 2014 with the UW Oshkosh cast, which includes 3 alumni of the UW Oshkosh theatre program. The rehearsal period will be augmented by the participation of the UW Oshkosh football program in cooperation with the head coach, Pat Cerroni. Formal rehearsal will begin on or about January 11, with a scheduled opening of February 18, 2015.

Richard will keep everyone posted as details develop for this production!

The Boy Inside Reading - Pictures Now Available!

Oct 23, 2014

Richard is excited to share with you a few photos from the reading of The Boy Inside, which occurred at the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre on October 13th. To view his latest photos, as well as other photos from productions, check out the Gallery page!

"My Genius of Humanity": Finalist for 2014 Armenian Dramatic Arts Award

Oct 20, 2014

Richard is delighted to announce that My Genius of Humanity has been named one of only three finalists for the 2014 Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance's Saroyan special commendation award, to be chosen on December 6th in ceremonies in Pasadena, California. The $1000 award goes to a play of merit, which examines issues of social justice in either Armenian history or the contemporary Armenian community.

More information to come as the event draws nearer!

Successful Reading for "The Boy Inside" at Milwaukee Chamber Theatre

Oct 17, 2014

Richard Kalinoski's new play, The Boy Inside was read at the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre on October 13. Despite regional torrential rains, the reading had standing room only. With a distinguished cast and director (substantial credits for most in Milwaukee professional theatres) the play generated a lively post show discussion--especially about the place for football in our early 21st century American culture. Some notables in the audience included the critic from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and the head football coach at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. With only about 10 hours of preparation the actors delivered the spirit of the play--the tension over a decision whether to end a wildly successful small college football program. Renowned regional actress Deborah Staples played two roles with graceful aplomb and the veteran Carrie Hitchcock succinctly rendered the central female role of a college president--opposite Noah Totzke's intuitive portrayal of a rattled but determined football coach (Tony Bartolo). The Boy Inside will open in late February at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh in a main stage five performance run.

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